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Economics: A Primer

I have said that while I might be to right on economic issues, I still believe that EVERYONE should have an opportunity to succeed.

Some would question my belief. They don't think we should "give handouts" and that if people want to succeed they should do it the way "I did it". They then explain how they walked 20 miles to work everyday, were paid a meager salary, but they worked hard and succeeded. If they can do it so can everyone.

The paragraph above for all intents and purposes is a myth handed down from generation to generation and has no relevance to the world today. They may have had to scrabble for a living before making it, but that is clouded by what really happens.

DW Economic Theory

I'll say right up front that I am not an Economist. My theories on Economics is based on reason, logic, reading, and observation. It is NOT my intention to cure all the problems but please hear me out.

1.) Money breeds money. You've heard it takes money to make money and that is true. Those that have it seem to always have it and those who don't never seem to have it.

2.) Success breeds success. The days when an immigrant arrives off a boat and goes from push cart to millionaire in 20 years are past, long past. You look at most of the big business moguls of today and you will find that most started out in successful families. Their families lent them money or got them jobs that then allowed them to succeed. Sure it takes talent, but if you don't have the scratch, you ain't making it anytime soon.

3.) Being rich doesn't mean you don't owe somebody or something. The business people I admire most are those who contribute to their community in some significant way, such as donations to non-profits, working on community boards, or helping raise money for charity. These people know that the world doesn't revolve around them.

4.) The downfall of business will be the continued obsession with growth. As we all know, something can't keep going up. The economy isn't made of air pressure in a cooker, eventually it will burst and fall back to earth. Success for a company seems to be double digit returns, profit margin, and how large you are, rather than if you put out a great product that may help society but won't hurt it either. They seem to be looking for a quick score rather than sustainability.

5.) The "we are in a global economy" excuse. When a company makes bad decisions or their product(s) just aren't clicking with the buying public, they move manufacturing out of the country to cut costs and then claim they had to do it to compete in a "global economy".

6.) Unions don't hurt the economy. It maybe true if you are an owner or stockholder of a company with a union as they force them to pay real wages and treat workers as humans. The real truth is that no one is there to protect the worker, considered a variable expense, except the union. Workers buy stuff too.

7.) Welfare is not just for lazy people. Maybe in some cases someone maybe lazy and I think people who get welfare should work toward getting off the dole, but just cutting them off is not the answer. It seems that our Congress is more interested in forcing people to work than providing the training to do work. They are putting the cart before the horse. Many welfare recipients are 2nd or 3rd generation welfare receivers or they live in areas where joblessness is engrained in the environment. They may not have the skills to look for work, stay at work, or understand what work means.

That is all I have for now. I'll add more as I think of them.

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