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Why I can't vote for President George W. Bush

by Doug Berger

July 22, 2004

The election season is coming up as the two major parties have their conventions and the campaigning begins in earnest.

Probably unlike most people I pay attention to what the current elected people are doing in their jobs and I try to be informed on the issues and players of the day.

The 2004 Presidential election will be one of the most important elections in many years. Our country has become more polarized on the different issues. You have economic, cultural, and security issues as major trends this season.

I have decided that my vote will NOT go to George Bush. I will not vote for him and I am encouraging others not to vote for him. Of course one could say I am a just a liberal elitist who hates America, but I am not either of those things. In fact, my vote for the other candidate this year is not because Bush is a Republican. I am not voting for him because I love my country and I feel Bush's administration is the one that is at odds with what America is all about.

Here then are some of the reasons I will not be voting for George Bush in 2004:

Those are my top reasons for not voting for Bush. All are based on a review of the issues involved and a reasonable consideration of the facts.

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